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Ekologické dny Olomouc

Jan Romportl. AI consultant, at Ekologické dny Olomouc, the audience

I gave a 90-minute lecture on the recent advances in AI (large language models, visual transformers, Stoic models), perspectives for Artificial General Intelligence, problems and dangers of AI Value Alignment, and implications of future AI for human lives and environment.

Then I joined the panel discussion with Petr Pokorný (Director at Centre for Theoretical Study, Charles University), Zuzana Kosticová (Religionist researcher at Charles University), Eliška Fulínová (Philosopher at Centre for Theoretical Study, Charles University), and Petr Tureček (Evolutionary biologist and Assistant professor at Charles University).

Jan Romportl. AI consultant, at Ekologické dny Olomouc, the venue

Venue of the conference: Sluňákov, Center for ecological activities,

October 5

KudyKampus workshop, part 1

October 10

Týden inovací