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WebTop100 conference

Jan Romportl, Freelance AI Consultant, at WebTop100 conference, with Soňa Porupková

I had the talk “Marketing in the new AI world” at the major marketing conference WebTop100.

The talk annotation:

Those who are on Twitter or LinkedIn can't help but notice the flood of creations from AI tools like DALL-E, Midjourney or Stable Diffusion. This is because they finally got into the hands of the lay non-AI public, whose reaction then was mostly: "Wow, aha, so this is AI..." But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

So let's talk about what the bulk of the iceberg looks like under the surface, and what it might bring us in the near and slightly more distant future. There is a lot of good, but also a lot of bad and dark. And marketing is one area that has the potential to influence what those future AI lives of ours will look like.

Jan Romportl, Freelance AI Consultant, at WebTop100 conference

This is one of the best things you can find on Twitter after your conference talk :-) Thank you, Ondřej Sláma!

Jan Romportl and Ondra Ilinčev

It was great to meet and chat with Ondra Ilinčev again.

November 1

AI Connect by Atlantic Council

November 22

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