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International Ecommerce and Digital Summit

I gave a speech at the International Ecommerce and Digital Summit.

The programme included these topics:

HOW IS THE DIGITAL WORLD CHANGING? - What awaits us in a world shaped by the intangible digital space and how to cope with it? Introductory presentation that identifies issues and challenges.

DISCUSSION ABOUT DIGITAL BRAND - A debate with a technological giant whose products shape the world and influence our lives like no other company in history.

AI & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES - How to regulate artificial intelligence in line with societal development without compromising Europe's competitiveness in a world where economic advancement is everything? Will a technological champion emerge in the countries of the old continent that can rival American and Chinese giants? These questions will be addressed in a discussion among business representatives, regulators, and non-profit organizations.

CYBERSECURITY - How to protect our digital lives in a world where data means everything? How to cope with the transition to the online space, where it will be increasingly difficult to distinguish between reality and fraud? This will be the topic for cyber experts who know how to stay safe.

DIGITALIZATION VERSUS THE CONSUMER - How to ensure customer privacy while efficiently delivering the products they desire? Where to draw the line in acceptable internet personalization? Discussion among representatives of major online retailers who annually sell goods worth billions.

March 4


April 10